Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm not sure how I'll do on finals but I know I'll do well. We've already taken an English final and the rest of it is on Tuesday. Our math and science are on the same day. The science is probably really long but we still need to take our time. I don't know when the history final is but the teacher will tell us soon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Worst Prank Ever

The worst prank anyone has pulled on me was when my sister faked her own death. She took some fake blood from Halloween and made it look like she hit her head and tried to get inside but someone took her. There was blood on her phone and her backpack and hand prints on the door. One hand print on the window dried and was easy to tell it was fake. After that my sister and I decided to prank call our parents and older college sister and say I was missing, there was blood and no one else would answer their phones. Our mom was furious but my sister and dad were laughing on the phone hysterically!

Monday, May 18, 2009

People Who Inspire Me

There aren't many people that inspire me but occasionally some people do. My dad gives me advice almost whenever he can and my older siblings do to. He is very wise and always has a way to do things. My sisters almost always want me to do things their way and sometimes it will work. They don't have many admirable qualities since they always fight.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I like to play hokey durring the winter and some times in the summer. I usualy play goaltender and join in on the tournaments at the local hokey rink. There is alot of practice before games so everyone is ready. It is three on three or five on five, depending on the size of the teams. the rules are the same as professional games but some are modified because the teams aren't pro.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Super Seal!!!

Cons of Slang

Really there are no cons of slang because it can't be called "English." Lots of people use it though, but they are usually not the best people in my mind. It's improper grammar, very rude and disrespectful. If good parents have a child that uses slang it makes them look bad. There is nothing to gain from using it and those who do should stop.